Karen, Ormond Art Studios, October 2021

According to the Central Statistics Office of Ireland,

There were 357 Karens born in Ireland in 1970.
In 1990 there were 261 new Karens.
In the year 2020 there were three
Portrait of Karen

Karen draws her noise band logo on the back of her homework journal.
Karen loves her new dolly.
Karen shoots some hoops with her friends.
Karen queues for the new school bank initiative.
Karen reads Willa Cather in the school library.
Karen meets Charles Haughey when he visits her display at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition.
Karen wins a prize at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition and signs the Book of Ireland with Charles Haughey and she smiles for the press photograph.
Karen writes down her stage directions for her school's amateur production of the Quaker Girl.
Karen makes a painting.

This exhibition named Karen seeks to explore, imagine and reconstruct

the lives of Karens on the island of Ireland, life before her newfound fame and reputation, what has made Karen? What might she make of you?

Karen with her doll, 2021, xerox print, found frame, 15xm x 11cm

Karen makes a painting, 2021, oil on paper, 12cm x 11cm

Ladies, 2021, pen on paper, 35cm x 28cm

Doll, 2021, wool, 35cm x 28cm

Then Life, 2021, Installation, variable dimensions

Karen reads Willa Cather, 2020, pencil on fabriano, 31cm x 31cm

Karen queues for the school bank, 2020, pencil on fabriano, 31cm x 31cm

Karen plays basketball, 2020, marker on cartridge paper, 27cm x 25cm

Karen meets Charles Haughey at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition, 2021, pencil on fabriano, 48cm x 50cm

Karen wins the BT young scientist exhibition and signs the book of Ireland with Charles Haughey, 2021, pencil on wall, 45cm x 50cm

Karen, Ormond Art Studios, October 2021
Photography: Alex Keatinge + Richard Harvey ︎
Kindly supported by DLRCOCO, The Arts Council of Ireland and Ormond Art Studios 

Special thanks to Karen for making this exhibition possible